
Friday Sep 14, 2018
Episode 1 - The Phantom Episode
Friday Sep 14, 2018
Friday Sep 14, 2018
Barry, Kev and International celebrity, Nick sit down in Nick's lounge room and discuss our wargaming backstory, how we got into Infinty and what made us stay.
Additional discussions on the Infinity community around Melbourne, Australia, gaming philosophy and our take on terrain rules and table set ups.
Apologies to Peter Henry for calling him Paul several times during the show and to Nicks patient partner for giving up the lounge space so three nerds could talk toy soldiers for several hours. :)
Links to upcoming events below:
Symbiophage Narrative Event - 23 September - Collingwood Library, Melbourne
Eastern Uprising 2: Gotcha - 06 October - House of War, Melbourne
Any comments, critique or content suggestions, please comment below, message us on our fbk page @lossoflieutenant or email us at: lossoflieutenant@gmail.com
Thanks for listening!