
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Episode 68 - Monke Together: Strong
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Kev and Nick are joined by resident Morat expert Val, to breakdown all the news and previews out of Adepticon and give their first impressions of the changes to fireteam rules.

Friday Mar 18, 2022
Episode 67 - Pimp My List 3 - Tokyo Drift
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Join Kevin and Jacob as they gather once again to Pimp Your Lists!
Thanks to everyone who has submitted a list so far, we really enjoy this segment and do our best to pimp them all, so if you didn't hear yours tonight, fear not, we will get to yours soon!
Lists pimped
Hendrik - CJC
Jason Timbrook - CA
Jacob Wahl - Shas
Tristan Kemp - Aleph
Aidan - Nomads
Pimped (Crimson Stone)
Eastfinity March 2022
House of War, Ringwood, VIC
26 March
$20 entry
Codename: Entrenchment
Throw the Dice, Geelong
27 March
$20 entry
(Or hassle Val Sinitsyn on fbk)
Infinity @ Briscon 2022
Mt Gravatt Showgrounds, Brisbane
23-24 April
$50 Entry
Novacore II - Electic Boogaloo
Good Games, Maitland, NSW
11-12 June
$60 entry

Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Episode 66 - BCB Recap
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
This episode, Kev and Nick are joined by special guest Callum Sinclair, as they recap Burn City Brawl, Melbourne's largest two day Infinity event!
Link to the full list of results can be found here:
If you'd like copies of lists from players, hit us up on fbk or our discord channel
Time Stamps:
00.00.00 - 12.13.00: Introduction
12.13.00 - 1.59.45: Rounds 1-3
159.45 - End: Rounds 4-5
February Challenge

Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Episode 65 - Burn City Brawl Business
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Join Kev and Nick as they sit down to go through the mission line up for Burn City Brawl 2021(2) and discuss how they might build lists going into this two day event.
They guys also discuss the recent LVO video and the clusterf**k that is the latest FAQ!
New month which means a new monthly challenge
February Challenge - CC Baby!
For the month of February we want you to leverage close combat in your games of Infinity. This doesn't mean we want you building all cc lists, but find new and interesting ways of using it. And before you ask, cc baiting doesn't count!
So play some games, and write in your report(s) to us at:
A random winner will be chosen at the end of the month to win a blister of their choice from Toy Soldier Imports!
Infinity @ BRISCON 2022 will be held at the Mount Gravatt Showgrounds in Brisbane (shock of horror)
The event is on the weekend of 23 rd & 24th of April 2022 (Monday is Anzac Day making this a long weekend)
A 2-day ticket will be $50.00 AUD. All proceeds will go towards Briscon’s operational costs or towards prize support for this (Infinity) specific event. http://www.briscon.com.au/home.html
All selected from ITS Season 13 and to be played in the following descending order. Mission
packs to be provided on the day with cheat sheets outlining terrain needs to assist players.
PANIC ROOM (pg 41)
SUPPLIES (pg 50)
Doors Open from 0900 with Round 1 to 3 on Saturday then Round 4 and 5 Sunday.

Saturday Jan 08, 2022
Episode 64 - 2021 Wrapped
Saturday Jan 08, 2022
Saturday Jan 08, 2022
Join Julian, Kev and Nick as they return in 2022 to reflect on 2021 and discuss the things they liked, the things they didn't, and speculate about what 2022 will hold!
00.00.00 - 01.27.06: Intro and hobby chat
01.27.07 - 02.35.38: Reflecting on 2021 and predictions for 2022

Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Episode 63 - Merry Pimpmas
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Join Jacob, Kev and Nick as they gather for their final episode of 2021!
We discuss recent games, new releases and go into part two of "Pimp My List"!
Link to the lists we talked about tonight are below:
If you'd like to submit a list for pimping in 2022, send us an email with your army code and a brief description of what you'd like to see us do to it to:
December Monthly Challenge - Soldiers of Fortune
For the month of December, play a game of Infinity using the Mercs option in army and let us know how you went!
A random winner will be chosen to win a blister of their choice from Toy Solider Imports with our favourite entry also winning a limited edition LoL patch!
Send your battle report to lossoflieutenant@gmail.com
Quarterly Challenge - Git 'er Done!
You have until the end of the year to finish a project. It can be big or small, an army or a blister, a table of terrain or even just nailing a technique.
All you have to do is send us one before and up to four after photos of your project by the end of the year to go in to the draw to win a box set of your choice from Toy Soldier Imports
Send your entries into us at lossoflieutenant@gmail.com
Finally, dates and rego form for Burn City Brawl 2021(2)
Dates: 19-20 February 2022
Venue: Collingwood Masonic Centre, Abbotsford, VIC
five round event with a $65 entry, missions are:
Highly Classified
Datacash (Custom Mission)
Capture and Protect
Registration form and fbk event page below, get in quick, we are already over half full!
Thanks for listening and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Episode 62 - Pimp My List
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Yo Dawg the LoL crew are back and heard you like Infinity, so we put some Infinity in your Infinity so you can Infinity while you Infinity!
Join Jacob, Kev and Nick as they don their thinking caps to pimp our listeners lists!
The guys also discuss the end of the TAG Raid KS and reveal the winner of the Vostok charity raffle :D
If you'd like to see the army codes from tonight's episode, click the link below

Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Episode 61 - Tableau Vivant
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Kev and Nick are back and joined by Gav to talk about the fundamentals of terrain and table design and how important good table design is to a fun, fair and interesting game of Infinity.
00.00.00 - 01.08.30: Introduction and news
00.58.00 - 02.20.00: Table Design
You can enter the raffle to win the new Siocast Vostok painted by Julian Jorgensen by donating to Lifeline. Each $5 donation gets you one entry into the raffle with a winner being drawn in the next episode
November Challenge - Unlimited Insertion
For the month of November, play a game of Infinity using the Free Game extra listed in ITS Season 13 document.
What this means, is play a game without the 15 trooper cap and see what happens.
Submit your battle report to us at lossoflieutenant@gmail.com
A random winner will be drawn at the end of November to win a blister of their choice
Quarterly Hobby Challenge - Git 'Er Done!
This is your excuse to get stuck into that painting backlog. You have until the end of the year to get something done, it can be a single miniature or a whole army! Please submit a before picture and up to four completed pictures to lossoflieutenant@gmail.com
A random winner will be drawn at the end of the year to win a box set of their choice
Thanks to Toy Soldier Imports for their continued support
Lastly, if you haven't already, join us on our Discord page for friendly gaming and painting discussions and advice!
Thanks for listening!

Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Episode 60 - (TAG) Raid: Shadow Legends
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Kevin and Nick are back and in person to review the new TAG Raid Demo available on TTS. We give our thoughts on the design and gameplay on this Kickstarter from CB and whether or we're more likely to back it after having played the demo.
We also discuss the return of Frostbyte to ITS Season 13. The guys breakdown the scoring, seaonal changes and how they'd build a list for it.
Thanks for listening!

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Episode 59 - Frozen Cokes
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Kev and Nick are back and joined by special guest Ryan to discuss all things ITS13!
Ryan introduces himself, talks about how he got into Infinity and we discuss his success at a recent tournament.
We then dive into Frozen Roads, going through the list of changes and giving our thoughts on what the next year of tournament play will look like!
***DISCLAIMER*** there were issues with the recording causing corruption of some audio so apologies in advance for slight audio issues in the latter half of the episode. We did our best to remove them and fill in the blanks
00.00.00 - 00.50.20: Introduction and news
00.50.20 - 02.34.23: ITS13 Discussion
You can enter the raffle to win the new Siocast Vostok painted by Julian by donating to Lifeline. Each $5 donation gets you one entry into the raffle with a winner being drawn at the end of October
October Challenge - The Need For Speed
For the month of October, we want you to experiment with the fastest and most mobile units in your army and see what you can achieve!
Submit your battle report to us at lossoflieutenant@gmail.com
A random winner will be drawn at the end of October to win a blister of their choice
Quarterly Hobby Challenge - Git 'Er Done!
This is your excuse to get stuck into that painting backlog. You have until the end of the year to get something done, it can be a single miniature or a whole army! Please submit a before picture and up to four completed pictures to lossoflieutenant@gmail.com
A random winner will be drawn at the end of October to win a box set of their choice